For trucking operations, using a certified electronic logging device (ELD) provider is necessary to remain in compliance with federal regulations. Certified ELD providers are reliable, provide correct data, and are verified by industry leaders and standards.
ELDs provide truck dispatchers with the real-time information they need to monitor and assist their drivers while providing safer work environments for drivers. These devices make it simple to accurately manage and track record of duty status (RODS) data while seamlessly sharing it with regulatory authorities, company management, and dispatchers. As a result, these devices provide a safer means by which to track and monitor driver activity.
Canada recently adopted an ELD mandate requiring electronic data collection of semi-truck drivers’ hours of service (HOS) that takes effect on January 1, 2023. It’s similar to the mandate passed in the United States in 2017.
ELD Certified Providers Offer Access to Useful & Correct Data
Manual logbooks were prone to user error, as drivers were 100% responsible for keeping track of their resting, working, and driving hours. Replacing logbooks with ELDs provide trucking operations with standardized processes that help prevent logbook tampering and errors.
Recent ELD mandates in the US and Canada require all trucking operations, with limited exceptions, to replace logbooks and outdated electronic recording devices with third-party compliant ELD devices that connect to the truck engine’s electronic control module (ECM). These mandates exist to help keep tired drivers off the roadways by tracking and enforcing hours of operation.
Omnitracs ELD devices provide key players in the transportation timeline with access to crucial information in real-time, including:
- Driver duty status: All duty statuses indicated in HOS regulations, plus special conditions including off-duty personal conveyance and on-duty yard move, neither of which count against allotted drive time.
- Driver alerts: Omnitracs ELD devices automatically alert drivers to device malfunctions and provide a warning indicating new unassigned driving time prompts upon logging into the device.
- Key data: Devices record key data elements at predetermined intervals, including location information, vehicle distance, identification information, engine power cycles, engine hours/odometer, date, and time.
ELD Certified Providers Are Safer
With hundreds of ELD devices in the marketplace, evaluating the options can seem overwhelming. ELD-certified providers offer access to devices that are third-party certified by transportation experts in Canada and either self-certified or third-party certified in the USA.
These devices help ensure compliance with federal regulations and HOS rules designed to increase safety for truck drivers and citizens who share the road throughout the supply chain. They can help to reduce fatigue by limiting the number of hours a semi-truck driver may be behind the wheel.
ELDs that comply with US and Canadian regulations meet strict performance and design standards and are registered with the appropriate agencies.
ELD-certified providers offer increased safety for drivers and the organizations employing drivers by helping drivers comply with HOS regulations that limit the number of consecutive hours they can drive. These devices automatically record mileage providing real-time reports.
ELD Certified Providers Are Reliable
While the US ELD mandate allows ELD providers to self-certify their devices, Transport Canada requires that all approved ELD devices be certified by an accredited third party.
ELD-certified providers work hard to remain in compliance with US and Canadian standards set forth by government regulations and informed by industry experts.
ELD users spend less time on the maintenance tasks required to remain in compliance with federal regulations, including fuel tax reporting. ELDs help prevent violations that could cost your trucking operation thousands of dollars. Proactive alerts and reliable HOS countdown clocks allow users to reap the benefits of advanced technology and AI. Plus, ELDs help level the playing field by providing a tamper-proof record of driver activity.
What To Look For When Choosing An ELD-Certified Provider
Upgrading your ELDs can provide better reporting, upgraded customer support, and access to real-time data to help you make key decisions about the future of your trucking operation. Here’s how the right ELD can help support your company:
Compliance: Your ELD devices must comply with federal regulations or your organization may face hefty fines.
Feature set: Each trucking operation has unique needs. Look for a provider with features that reach beyond compliance requirements. Omnitracs ELD devices can monitor idle time to help overall increase fuel efficiency. Each hour of idle time consumes nearly one gallon of diesel fuel.
Professional installation: Omnitracs ELD device installation is performed by trained and certified technicians at your place of business.
Reporting: ELD devices equipped with advanced AI technology have the ability to provide large volumes of useful data. While this data may seem overwhelming, it can provide crucial information to help guide your business. Used correctly, data from ELD devices can help increase efficiency and productivity.
Omnitracs ELD Devices Meet US FMCSA and Canadian ELD Mandates
Omnitracs provides trucking companies, owner-operators, and dispatchers with access to several registered ELD devices on the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) list of approved devices. The Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway ELD received third-party certification in Canada in 2022, and the XRS Relay is also certified in Canada.
Canadian trucking companies will face full enforcement of the ELD mandate as of January 1, 2023. This comes after Transport Canada’s June 2022 amendment to the Commercial Vehicle Drivers’ Hours of Service (HOS) regulations.
Solera builds data while leveraging cutting-edge technology to support customer experiences. Contact us today to learn more about how our technology helps create safer working environments for truck drivers while supporting North American trucking operations as they seek to remain in compliance with ELD mandates in the U.S. and Canada.